Friends and family can be helpful, but sometimes they can make things more difficult by telling us what to do, and we can end up feeling overly stretched between meeting their expectations and following our own preferred path. Does this sound familiar? At such junctions you may feel you could use professional, impartial, confidential help…..not only to clarify the difficulties but also help you identify strengths and resources you never knew you had.

Between us we have experience of most common difficulties under the sun and can help you with issues such as:
• anger management
• loss & bereavement
• Depression/anxiety
• mid-life issues
• stress at home/in the workplace
• relationship difficulties
• low self-esteem
• abuse issues
• bullying in the workplace
• redundancy/retirement
• change
• intimacy in relationship

We also welcome clients from the range of different sexual and gender orientations.



Relationships can be a gloriously exciting and satisfying adventure, and can also be tricky, disappointing and hurtful.

At such times we may withdraw and end up feeling frightened, confused, disappointed, let down, lonely and isolated.  At the core of these difficulties is a painful loss of connection with the other, where your capacity to talk to each other, listen and be loving have become fractured.

Through our collaborative efforts we can support you to reconnect and rediscover the intimacy, passion, empathy, understanding and appreciation of each other.  You will also learn essential relationship tools to sustain the deeper connection.

Although one of you may be more committed to making the relationship work than the other, our commitment to you is that we work with whatever is going on for you without judgement, censure or any agenda to keep you together.

You may even already have decided to part, and may want help for that to happen as peacefully as possible for the wellbeing of you as individuals, as well as children you may have.

We also welcome same-sex couples from different sexual and gender orientations.